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Need a Kickstart?
Community Kickstart
Program Description
Need a Kick Start? Sign up here!
Community Kickstart (CK) will be available to clients, up to once per year, with a $1,500 lifetime limit. Eligible households will reside in Franklin County or the towns of Livermore and Livermore Falls. Families must also be below 200% Federal Poverty Level. CK will assist clients with unmet needs, such as steel toe boots needed for a new job, or necessary household goods for someone who secured an apartment after experiencing homelessness.
WMCA CANNOT consider requests for payments on recurring bills, such as rent or an electric bill.
We will use donations from our Kick Starters to fill requests. When you become a “kick starter” you only agree to receive a weekly email. Share with others, donate, or hit delete if the request doesn’t move you – you are in the driver’s seat! New requests for help will be emailed to our Kick Starters every Thursday and will include an update of previously funded asks.
WMCA believes that together we can create supportive relationships where families experience hope during times of distress, rather than having nowhere to turn. Many hands make light work – when added together, even small donations make a big impact!